Gambling Harms Treatment
Gambling Harms Treatment
The aim of gambling counselling at Breakeven is to provide an opportunity for you to work toward increasing your well-being by becoming free of gambling related harm.
When a client comes to us with gambling related harm, the first and most important step is to help them cut down or stop gambling altogether, depending on their individual goals and needs.
To this end, we examine practical ways of dealing with triggers to gamble, develop strategies for avoiding temptation. You may also want to look at options for managing your money to minimise opportunities to gamble. We will explain the purpose and benefit of using Blocking software and how to access these tools.
Our counsellors adopt a two-tier approach by working with you to explore the origins of the problem and the underlying reasons why you gamble. Gaining insight and understanding helps you come to terms with the problem and overcome it.
The most obvious goal is working towards a reduction or complete abstinence of gambling. As you gain insight, you learn to deal with your urges and triggers, which results in making better choices and change your previous pattern of behaviour.
Our Sessions
We will work quickly by getting you assessed as soon as possible so we can understand the extent of your gambling.
Following the completion of a assessment, you will be contacted by your counsellor within 48 hours.
We are dedicated to working quickly to make sure you receive the support you need without delay.
Average Waiting Times
You will be offered 50-minute sessions with one of our counsellors which are usually booked weekly.
The number of sessions you require will be discussed at the start treatment and reviewed throughout your journey with Breakeven.
On ending treatment, you will be asked if you would like to be contacted at 2 weeks, 3, 6, 12-month intervals to check how you are doing. Should you want or need to return, you will be given the opportunity to do so.
Types of Counselling
You will work with the counsellor to discover the best way to address your gambling related harm and destructive behaviours.
By using an Integrative approach of evidence-based models of therapy we will discover which approach best suits your style of learning these include,
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
- Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT)
- Person Centred Therapy (PCA)
- Motivational Interviewing (MI)
- Transactional Analysis (TA)
We work with anyone over the age of 16 years and can offer foreign language counselling in Polish and Greek.
All our counsellors have received specialised training to work with Gambling addiction. They are committed to ongoing training and development, continually researching and learning new ways to work with our clients to ensure the best outcome for everyone.